For Companies

We are a global network of technical experts made up of scientists, academics, founders and industry experts.

We provide companies with guidance on specific technical problems and offer a unique insight into how best to present their technologies to investors.

We use our network to understand complex and multifaceted technologies that no one person could evaluate alone.

We have evaluated over 200 companies and supported over $300 million in investment.

Company Support

We provide companies access to the right experts at the right time. Having seen over 200 new companies, we are also able to identify common problems in your space and propose mitigations. Our level of involvement can be tailored to your needs from an ocassional phone call to involvement in forming your strategy.

Technical Advice

If what you need doesn’t amount to ongoing support, we also offer ad hoc technical advice. If you have a technical question and you are not sure who to ask, get in touch.

Investor Insight

As we regularly work with investors to provide due diligence services, we are uniquely placed to help you present your technology in a clear and accurate way to help investors understand the potential of your ideas.

Artificial Intelligence / Automation / Batteries / Bioelectronics / Biosensors / Biotechnology / Cell Biology / Chemistry / Data Science / Diagnostics / Engineering / Food Technology / Immunology / Materials Science / Medical / Microbiome / Microscopy / Molecular Biology / Oil & Gas / Oncology / Optical Physics / Production / Satellites / Sequencing / Synthetic Biology / Yeast Engineering